dysonrules - Commander of Food

dysonrules - Commander of Food
Chocolate is life.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

BOOK REVIEW: Drawn Together

Okay, when I read an actual BOOK I will review it here and hope the author doesn't track me down and flame me if I don't like it.

I recently purchased Drawn Together by Z.A. Maxfield, mostly because of the COVER, which is by P.L. Nunn, who has so much art it will take you days and days to see it all at her website. UNF, the cover of this is just beautiful. Wanna see?

CLICKY You can also read the blurb, which is the other reason I bought it. Side note: Goodreads is AWESOME and you can join the m/m group on there to find even more books. They have monthly polls and reviews. It's fab!

Anyway, I read this in about a day without getting bored, so it holds your attention. The beginning was LOVE. I adore the way Rory meets Yamane and their first kiss is utterly squee-worthy.

However, once it develops a plot the book seemed to start falling apart a bit. I didn't quite buy the antagonist, who is supposed to be evil incarnate. I'm not sure why, but her character just didn't hold up for me. Rory is the most solid character and I kept reading his parts with a Cajun accent, which was entertaining and probably helped lock him down for me. I liked him a lot. Yamane, on the other hand, was a bit erratic. Granted, she kept mentioning that fact that it was part of his personality - he could be tough as nails or completely girlish. He just never seemed quite cohesive to me and in some of the scenes it would throw me off.

I personally hate it when one character sleeps with a character other than the love interest, and it happened in this story. It was probably necessary for the plot and she did a good job with it, plus it was a major turning point regarding Rory's feelings, but ARGH, I just hate when it happens.

The author did a very good job with the minor characters. I adored Rory's relatives and the people he interacted with in the town. Some of the OCs they encountered were well done, which is always a plus. None of the characters felt flat (other than the antagonist) and it was fun to read about them. Also, the boys SWITCH, which is a MAJOR plus in my book. If that's not for you, it might be a minus, although it's handled very well. The sex is SMOKING and frequent. A definite bonus for porn content.

Despite some of the issues I had with the flow of the book and some of the characterization, I really liked it and felt it was worth the time spent reading. I give it:

4 out of 5 stars



  1. You just blew my mind with the fact that there is bound and published man-porn. O_O For some reason it never crossed my mind, probably because I was neve into M/M prior to Drarry :P I must go find it!

  2. OMG are you serious? There are TONS. My personal favorite is the Psycop series (yes, I said SERIES) by Jordan C. Price. She's amazing.

  3. *Drools and dashes off to find it!*

    Amazon gave me a $5 credit for some reason so today I used it to get Drawn Together. I'm excited :D

  4. So after reading it, I think I agree with your assessment. While reading it I couldn't really see anything wrong with it (except I kept wanting to THROTTLE THEM for being--just---GARRHH (but thats just normal conflict and it was better for it)) but now that I've finished, I see your point. Yamane wasn't as big an issue for me for some reason, and as I said, Amelia didn't strike me as odd until after I finished. Barring that, the porn was GODLY :D

  5. *nods* It was an enjoyable read and the kissing and sex was HOT. I've been so spoiled by the awesome writers in fandom. :D
